Creative Real Estate Solutions
Real solutions by real people. Reach out to us today and let us help you increase you profit margins!
"Our team is knowledgeable and compassionate about providing homeowners with the best solutions."
Michele WatersPresident & Founder, N&J Capital
Our specialty
This is the start of your business success
Where industry insight and marketing expertise meet
Whether you are a homeowner or real estate investor, our team has the tools and expertise to solve your problems the right way, the first time.
Simple Solutions for Homeowners
Ready to assist you in finding the right solution. All sizes do not fit all! Different situations require different solutions.
We Make it Easy for Investors
We find the properties for you at discounted rates. You don't want to be bothered with the hassles of rehabbing property? Will do it for you.
N&J Capital
Covering the South East Region
Telephone Number(310) 892-1155